July 6, 2024

The 5-4-3-2-1 formula that boosted sales by 27%

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I recently started working with a solopreneur who was struggling to get the offers on his website to convert into sales. He was getting decent traffic to his site, and he offers an excellent product. So he was disappointed and worried, and he asked me to take a look at things.

Right away, it was clear that his landing page wasn’t set up for success.

A landing page has one job: To convert interest into sales. And that wasn’t happening here.

We worked together to make some adjustments to his landing page messaging, and he saw a 27% increase in his on-page conversions. Huge!

So today, I want to share the powerful framework I like to use to create landing pages & offers that convert. I call this the  5-4-3-2-1 method.

The best part about this framework? It’s pretty darn simple to follow.

Here's how it works:

5 - Identify five key benefits your product or service provides
4 - Highlight four common objections and address them head-on
3 - Include three testimonials or case studies
2 - Offer two pricing options
1 - Create one irresistible bonus

Let's dive in, and I’ll show you exactly how to implement it for your offers:

5 Key Benefits

To start, it’s important to actually tell your prospective customers what they can expect if they purchase your product.

So I want you to define five specific outcomes your customers will achieve.

For example, if you're selling a course on email marketing, your benefits might include "Double your open rates in 30 days" or "Generate 50% more revenue from your list."

Make sure your five key benefits are organized neatly on the landing page presenting your offer.

4 Common Objections

Next, I like to address common objections throughout the landing page, and in the FAQs section.

The more you address these proactively, the better your conversion rate should be. Common objections include "I don't have time for this," "It's too expensive," "I've tried something similar — it didn't work," and "I'm not sure if this is right for me."

Remember to talk to prospects to find out why they haven’t moved forward with other solutions in the past. That’s where you’ll learn what the four most commons objections are for your product.

The language on your page and in your FAQs can be set up to address these objections specifically.

3 Testimonials

If you have more than three testimonials, feel free to overwhelm your prospects with praise from other customers. But keep in mind that it’s important to choose testimonials that speak to different aspects of your offer. Different prospective customers will want to hear from different people saying different things.

And ideally, your testimonials will address those common objections you already identified.

Choose your best three, and get them front and center.

2 Pricing Options

Offering different pricing options achieves two things:

  1. Allows your prospects to shop within their budget.
  2. Creates “price anchoring,” where a higher-priced package makes another package feel less expensive or more digestible in comparison.

You could offer different pricing such as a one-time payment vs. a payment plan. Or you could offer a basic versus premium version of your product. There are tons of ways to create different buying options for your customer.

Bottom line - having more than one buying option increases conversions by giving customers a choice, rather than forcing a blanket yes/no decision.

1 Irresistible Bonus

Lastly, push your prospects over the buying line by offering something valuable that complements your main offer. It could be a one-on-one coaching call, an additional module, or exclusive access to a community. The possibilities here are endless. We’re trying to “stack” the bonus on top of the original offer to drive conversion.

Putting Everything Together

So now you’ve defined your 5-4-3-2-1. These are the critical elements that will convert an offer into a sale.

You could lay out your offer in this order. But here’s an experiment you can test, and it’s one I like a lot: Consider presenting these elements in reverse order. (1-2-3-4-5)

Start with your bonus, then introduce your pricing options, testimonials, objection handling, and finally, the key outcomes your customers can expect.

This structure builds interest and addresses concerns before presenting the full value of your offer. And by “full value” I mean results.

Try it both ways and see which works best for your product!

Action Step:

Take your current best-selling offer and rewrite it using the 5-4-3-2-1 method. Test it against your current version and track your results.

And if you implement this and see a boost in your conversions, I'd love to hear about your success. Shoot me an email and tell me what happened.

P.S. When you’re ready to dive deeper into crafting high-converting offers, check out The Creator MBA. I've got an entire module dedicated to offer creation and optimization, including advanced techniques that have helped my students increase their conversion rates by up to 43%.

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