What if fear is your secret weapon?

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Last week I had coffee with a recent college grad. He’s full of fresh ideas and eager to make his mark in the business world.

But when I asked him about building his brand online, he hesitated.

"I want to post, but what if I look foolish?" he asked. "I don't have real work experience yet, so why would anyone take me seriously?"

Unfortunately this sentiment is rampant. And I've seen this kind of fear paralyze people who have 20 years of experience also! But it’s especially prevalent among people who are just starting out or shifting gears and trying something new.

And let me tell you, I hate the fact that people are afraid to share. Millions of valuable perspectives are silenced by fear. What a shame.

So today I want to talk about this specific kind of fear — the fear of putting yourself out there.

And I want to show you how to flip the script and use fear to propel yourself forward.

The Big Problem with Fear

When I talk to people struggling with fear, there’s always a similar pattern. They focus on potential negative outcomes.

“What if I mess up?“

“What if I say something stupid?“

“What if someone criticizes me publicly?“

These worries aren't just unproductive — they're harmful. They keep you stuck, paralyzed, and unable to take your first step.

And here's the thing: Fear itself is NOT the problem. Fear is neutral.

It's how you choose to interpret and use your fear that makes all the difference.

Flipping the Script

So how do we change this? How can we escape the grip that fear has on us when we’re trying something new and uncomfortable?

It starts with asking a different kind of question.

Instead of “What if I look foolish?“, ask yourself:

“What if my perspective is exactly what someone needs to hear today?“

The reframe can change everything.

Suddenly, instead of imagining worst-case scenarios, you start visualizing a positive outcome —  the positive impact you could have on people.

Think about it. When you ask, “What if I succeed?“, your brain starts working out how to make that a reality. You start to see opportunities instead of obstacles. You start planning for success instead of preparing for some failure you’ve imagined.

But What If You're Still Stuck?

Now I know what you might be thinking. "That's great and all — but I'm still scared. I still have fear."

And that's okay. You're not alone. Everyone’s scared. Putting myself out there every single day still makes my heart skip a beat, even after nearly 6 years. Millions of wannabe brand builders and thought leaders feel the same way. That fear simply doesn't go away overnight. It may never go away completely.

But I’ll tell you something.

While you're hesitating, opportunities are vanishing. Your unique perspective? It’s staying unshared. Your potential to influence and help others? Wasted.

Every day you let your fear hold you back is a day you're not moving towards your goal. And trust me — that's a much scarier than getting criticism from some loser troll on social media.

It's Time to Change

So what can you do this with motivation? It’s easy in theory… but so difficult at the same time.

You rip the Band-aid off. You take that first, miserable, terrifying step.

You get out there. And you show people who you are.

Remember, courage isn't the absence of fear. It's acting in spite of it.

Every successful online entrepreneur you admire started somewhere. And they probably had fear too. They just they didn't let fear stop them.

Start as small as you need to. Maybe you just post a simple piece of advice on LinkedIn. Maybe you share an article you find valuable and add your perspective. Or maybe you just start by commenting thoughtfully as you build up to posting yourself.

Whatever it is, do it scared. And do it in spite of that.

Because the world needs your perspective. We need fresh ideas from people with unique experiences. We need yours. And the only way we’ll get it is if you push past your fear and share your knowledge, skills, and perspective with us.

The Bottom Line

Fear sucks, but it’s part of the journey. And it usually means you're doing something uncomfortable. But getting out of our comfort zones is how we grow. So embrace your fear, and make it work for you. Let it fuel you rather than stop you.

And remember to ask: “What if my perspective is exactly what someone needs to hear today?“

That's all for this week.

Now go out there and show the world what you've got.

P.S. When you’re ready to conquer your fear and start posting on LinkedIn, check out my LinkedIn Operating System course.

I teach the exact framework I used to build my personal brand on LinkedIn. Over 25,000 students and 60 LinkedIn Top Voices have rated it 4.98 out of 5 stars.

Get it here (for 50% off).

Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

1. The Creator MBA:  Join 4,500+ entrepreneurs in my flagship course. The Creator MBA teaches you exactly how to build a lean, focused, and profitable Internet business. You'll get 5 years of online business expertise, proven frameworks, and actionable strategies across 111 in-depth lessons.

2. The LinkedIn Operating System:​  Join 25,000 students and 60 LinkedIn Top Voices inside of The LinkedIn Operating System. This comprehensive course will teach you the system I used to grow from 2K to 600K+ followers, be named The #1 Global LinkedIn Influencer 5x in a row, and earn $8.3M+ in income.

3. The Content Operating System​:  Join 11,000 students in my multi-step content creation system. Learn to create a high-quality newsletter and 6-12 pieces of high-performance social media content each week.

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